SEITZ Purasol
Pre- and post-spotting agent for grease-bound stains
Purasol solubilizes adhesives, paint, lacquer, oil, grease, wax, smear, tar, nail polish, ballpoint pen or chewing gum. Purasol evaporates quickly and does not attack acetate silk.
Apply Purasol on the stain and treat with a soft brush. In case of tenacious stain substances like e.g. chewing gum or adhesive, repeat operation several times and, in case of need, work with a spotting spatula. Since Purasol quickly evaporates, rinsing is not necessary, generally speaking. In case of appearance of marks, use steam pistol and dry with compressed air to get rid of them.
For safety reasons, Purasol must never get into drycleaning machines operated with hydrocarbon or silicon solvents !
In general, Purasol, a product containing solvent, should be used on the post-spotting table only !
Do not use on coatings or laminations as this might cause damages !
In case of sensitive textiles, dyes and prints, we recommend to try the product reaction on the seam prior to spotting.
Do not intermix spotting agents !
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