Basic concentration: 0.1 – 0.25 ozs of Desolan NT
per gal of solvent in the tank(s)
Addition: 0.2 – 0.5 ozs of Desolan NT
per 10 gals of solvent in the drycleaning bath
Application of Desolan NT in combination with the drycleaning detergent:
Desolan NT is perfectly compatible with all our drycleaning detergents and proves to be well
miscible, too, with other commercial products. In case of permanent use of Desolan NT, we
recommend to mix the product with the drycleaning detergent and to feed this mixture into the
drycleaning bath via automatic dosing device.
According to dosage
and effect required, use 7.5 – 12 ozs of Desolan NT
per gal of drycleaning detergent
Add the required amount of Desolan NT into the container with the drycleaning detergent and
mix both products by strongly shaking the container. The mixture will remain clear and stable
so that, in most cases, no re-mixing will be required.
Available in:
Click HERE for SDS.