The product should generally be applied together with the addition of the anti-foaming agent
Destivit 2000 (for use see pertinent technical leaflet).
Add Flutec and water to the button-trap.
Pump solvent from work tank (medium to high level).
Pump circuit alternating with extraction at 10 to 15 minutes interval (for a total period
of 2 hours).
Possibly leave over night and shortly extract once more in pump circuit next morning
according to extent of lint still adhering.
Pump up rinse bath from clean solvent tank (low level), including rear wall rinse.
Briefly extract in pump circuit.
Pump off to distillation.
After drying, clean lint and needle-trap.
Dosage: 1.4 ozs Flutec and 1.4 ozs water
per gal of solvent
Available in:
1 Lt 5 Lt