SEITZ Polyspot SL
Pre-spotting agent for brushing and spraying application for use in perchloroethylene
Polyspot SL is a pre-spotting agent with specifically effective ingredients with powerful
cleaning action for the use in perchloroethylene.
Polyspot SL has a solubilizing and softening effect on wet-side and oil-bound stains and
intensifies the cleaning action on the stained portions of the garments. This effect allows
easier removal of stains during the following drycleaning process and thus the actual spotting
work is reduced considerably. The percentage of drycleaned garments which will need to be
post-spotted or wetcleaned is considerably reduced with the use of Polyspot SL, so that the
final stain-free output of the drycleaning machine is considerably increased.
Polyspot SL has been found to be especially effective regarding tenacious grease or soiled
areas such as on the collar, sleeve lining, trouser pockets, as well as for preliminary treatment
of raincoats.
Polyspot SL may be applied by a brush or spraying equipment. Use Polyspot SL in case of
wet-bound stains, perspiration stains and in case of spots caused by wine, milk beverages,
foodstuffs, beer, fruit juice, etc. In case of very badly soiled garments which are not sensitive
to moisture, the brushing or spraying may be done with following concentration.
Concentration: 1 volume part of Polyspot SL and 0.5 – 1 volume part of water
Light colored and delicate garments should not be kept in pre-spotted condition for a long
time, but drycleaned as soon as possible.
Available in:
5 Lt 20 Lt