Available in:
5 Lt
Pre- and post-spotting agent for use in perchloroethylene
V1 solubilizes paint, lacquer, adhesives, smear, ballpoint pen, tar, nail polish, lipstick, ink and
similar grease-bound stains.
Pre- and post-spotting agent for use in perchloroethylene
V 2 solubilizes blood, albumen, food, dairy products, ice cream, cream, beer, chocolate,
cacao, sweat, pigment soil, urine and similar albuminous stains.
Pre- and post-spotting agent for use in perchloroethylene
V 3 solubilizes coffee, tea, wine, coke, fruit, fruit juice, liqueur, tobacco, grass, perfume,
medicine and similar tannin-bound stains.
Available in:
5 Lt