- Universal Spotter. Mix one part SPOT-BUSTER with four parts water. Apply to stain by spray tank or spotting bottles, gently work into stain (if desired). Dry or level before drycleaning.
- Steam Spotter. Mix one part SPOT-BUSTER with nine to twelve parts water.
- Heavy Soil Spotter. Apply SPOT-BUSTER full strength, work stain gently with brush and dry or level before drycleaning.
- Laundry. For pre-spotting shirt collars and hems, mix one part SPOT-BUSTER with 2 parts water. Spray or brush soiled area and wash in normal manner.PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
APPEARANCE: Water white liquid
ODOR: Pleasant, sweet
SOLUBILITY: Completely soluble in water
FLASH POINT: Non-flammable
DENSITY: 8.4 pounds per gallon
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